MD Tolgay Satana
Orthopedist- Arthroscopic and Minimally Invasive Spine Surgeon
Working in the academic field as a freelance physician in Turkey, Op. Dr. Tolgay Satana has made a name for himself internationally in orthopedics and trauma treatment. It focuses on endoscopic spine surgery, and to perform treatment in all areas of orthopedic surgery. In arthroscopic joint surgery, the methods developed by him, especially in the knee and shoulder joints, are gaining popularity. MD Tolgay Satana is commemorated among the operator doctors who first started arthroscopic treatments of joints such as elbow, wrist, ankle and hip joints.

In addition to his medical education in Turkey, he had the opportunity to develop himself in the field of endoscopic spine surgery in the USA, England, France, Germany, Italy, Brazil, Israel, Korea, Indonesia, China and Japan.

He is known in the world for his international studies in the field of minimally invasive and endoscopic spine surgery and arthroscopic joint surgery.

He took part as a lecturer-speaker in many national and international educational institutions and conferences, and was awarded with many certificates and plaques.
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Please Contact!
Fulya Polat Towerside
Green Grass Street 12/407
Fulya District,
34365 Sisli / Istanbul / Turkey
Tel: +90 544 570 67 86
Email: info@tolgaysatana.com