Ankle arthroscopy is of great importance especially in chronic foot and ankle pain.

Ankle arthroscopy is of great importance especially in chronic foot and ankle pain.
What is Ankle Arthroscopy?
It is to reveal the problems by imaging the ankle joint with an endoscopic camera (arthroscope) (diagnostic arthroscopy) and the application of simultaneous treatment. Ankle anterior and posterior entrances often include impingement syndromes (ankle impingement), treatment of cartilage lesions, free fragments (joint rat excision), Achilles tendinitis, FPL tendinitis, Haglund's disease, ankle joint restriction treatments, joint membrane inflammation (synovitis-synoyal tissue). hypertrophy and tumors), tumors can be biopsied. Arthroscopy imaging is the gold standard for revealing chronic joint pain that cannot be detected on MRI. It provides a definitive solution for joint pain and stiffness that do not respond to drug therapy.
In Which Situations Is Ankle Arthroscopy Preferred?
Anterolateral-Anteromedial-Anterior impingement, Posterior-posterolateral-posteromedial impingement: It is the condition in which the contraction of the bone (osteophyte) and soft tissues (ligament thickening-fibrotic healing tissues, synovial thickening) in the anterior part of the ankle erode the cartilage structures.
Articular rat is the presence of a free piece of cartilage within the joint. It may not be viewed radiologically. Free fragments within the joint can be removed arthroscopically. In case of delay, it erodes the joint surface.
Achilles tendinitis-Bursitis-Haglund's disease, determination of the causes of chronic tendinitis at the back of the ankle, and bursa thickening or bone growths can be treated.
Flexor pollicis tendinitis is one of the chronic hindfoot problems. The problem is solved with arthroscopy.
With foot - ankle arthroscopy, enthesopathies such as Sinus tarsi syndrome, Plantar fascia problems (epin calcanei) can be detected and treated.
If not intervened early, permanent joint damage will occur as a result of cartilage wear. Joint cartilage is lost, joint movement limitation is added to chronic pain and function is lost. In this case, the joint is frozen (arthrodesis) or a prosthesis is applied.
How Long Does Ankle Arthroscopy Take?
Arthroscopic treatments take 30-45 minutes, reconstruction surgeries that require repair may require more than an hour.
After Ankle Arthroscopy?
After arthroscopic treatment, the joint is bandaged and cold applied. If the joint is unsupported or repaired on the same day, it can be pressed with partial weight. Movement of the joint is started immediately, but depending on the type of surgery treatment, activity limitation for a few days and rest periods of up to 3 weeks for sports activities may be applied. Usually the weight is given immediately, it is recommended to return to work and sports early with full movement.
What is the Recovery Process After the Surgery?
Since open surgery is not applied, the wound healing process is very short. After 5 days, the wound holes (5 mm) are completely closed. It can be pressed immediately after surgery. Exercises begin immediately. Joint range of motion is gained immediately. It is recommended to wear shock absorbing sports shoes. Since the soft tissue recovery is completed in 3 weeks, heavy sports activities are not allowed before a month.
Will It Repeat After Surgery?
In arthroscopic treatments, the tissues that are removed or cut are not replaced. It is possible for fibrotic healing tissues to regrow. These can be prevented with early movement and exercise treatments. In arthroxopic repair surgeries, recurrence is not expected if there is no new trauma in such a way that the repair area is damaged without adequate recovery. Intra-articular injections and PRP combination may be required in joint cartilage abrasions.
How Much is the Surgery Fee?
It depends on the type of surgery and the use of materials. Pricing is made according to the hospital class determined according to the patient's budget.