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Tolgay Åžatana
What is Foraminoplasty?
Foraminoplasty is a type of endoscopic surgery used to surgery the spine. Foramen is a general name given to canal-shaped holes in bone...
Tolgay Åžatana
Arthroscopic Release in the Treatment of Deep Gluteal Nerve Syndrome and Priformis Syndrome
Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the outcomes of Arthroscopic release of priformis to treatment of Deep Gluteal Nerve...
Tolgay Åžatana
Epiduroscopic Treatment of Failed Back Spine Surgeries
ABSTRACT Epidural brosis are common reason of back pain, usually related with failed back spine surgery with or without neurological de...

Tolgay Åžatana
Treatment of shoulder impingement
Treatment of impingement syndrome Before we provide any information on shoulder impingement treatment, let's first answer the question...

Tolgay Åžatana
Ankle Impingement Syndrome
EVERY PERSON CAN LIVE ONCE IN A LIFETIME. SPRING CAN LIVE Regardless of the type of injury, if it did not cause cartilage and joint...
Tolgay Åžatana
Laser and Radiofrequency Energy Applications in the Percutaneous Endoscopic Surgical Treatment...
PriMera Scientific Medicine and Public Health - 2 September 2022 Laser and Radiofrequency Energy Applications in the Percutaneous...
Tolgay Åžatana
Assessment of the Incidence of Carpal Instability and Morbidity in Distal Radius Fractures
CPQ Orthopaedics - 22 June 2022 Distal radius fractures concomitant with carpal instability have been studied and treatment options have...

Tolgay Åžatana
Ulnar Cleft Hand
The Surgical Closure of Neglected Ulnar Deficiency of the Hand; Unclassified Phenomenon Research Article Abstract Cleft hand classified...

Tolgay Åžatana
Cartilage Regeneration Therapy
CELL CELL CULTURE Cartilage Regeneration Therapy; Since cartilage tissue has limited ability to regenerate itself, when it disappears...

Tolgay Åžatana
6. National Hand Surgery and Upper Extremity Congress Book
The frequency of carpal instability after distal radius fractures The functional results of 34 wrists of 33 patients who were treated...
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