Tolgay ŞatanaFoot and Ankle SurgeryAnkle Impingement SyndromeEVERY PERSON CAN LIVE ONCE IN A LIFETIME. SPRING CAN LIVE Regardless of the type of injury, if it did not cause cartilage and joint...
Tolgay ŞatanaCONSERVATIVE TREATMENTSHallux Valgus - Bone Protrusion on the Big ToeEnemy of the Feet in Summer Vacation SLIPPERS BETWEEN FINGERS Finger protrusion increases Hallux Valgus. Yes, it looks aesthetically...
Tolgay ŞatanaCONSERVATIVE TREATMENTSHallux Valgus Surgery - What is Hallux Valgus?Before details of Hallux Valgus Surgery, let's briefly answer the question of Hallux Valgus - what is the big toe bone protrusion. What...
Tolgay ŞatanaCONSERVATIVE TREATMENTSFoot Health“Friend looks head to head and enemy at feet ..” Our feet are the most important part that carries our weight, which some proudly...
Tolgay ŞatanaMUSCULOSKELETAL PROBLEMSFlat Insoles Treatment: Sinus Tarsi WedgeBefore giving information about flatfoot treatment, let's answer the questions "What is Flat Insoles and What are the Effects on the...