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Tolgay Åžatana
Endoscopic Lack Surgery Guide
1st Edition, February 2008 Birkenmaier, J. Chiu, A. Fontanella & H. Leu Login With endoscopic back surgery, it is aimed to reduce tissue...

Tolgay Åžatana
Minimally Invasive Surgery as the Concept of God Physician Ends
Even twenty years ago, medicine and physicians, which were expected in front of them with endless respect and whose post-treatment debt...

Tolgay Åžatana
Closed Lumbar Hernia Surgery
Closed lumbar hernia surgery is performed by piercing the skin without opening the skin. The spinal cord is reached through the natural...

Tolgay Åžatana
Hallux Valgus - Bone Protrusion on the Big Toe
Enemy of the Feet in Summer Vacation SLIPPERS BETWEEN FINGERS Finger protrusion increases Hallux Valgus. Yes, it looks aesthetically...

Tolgay Åžatana
Diagnosis and Treatment of Articular Cartilage Lesions
Cartilage tissue is a metabolically active tissue. Healthy cartilage has an intercellular substance (matrix) rich in glucosaminoglycan...

Tolgay Åžatana
Spinal Canal Stenosis Closed Endoscopic Treatment
If the spinal canal stenosis occurs congenitally, it requires open surgery at an early age. The canal stenosis that occurs with aging is...

Tolgay Åžatana
What is Arthroscopy?
Arthroscopy is the visualization of the joint with an optical device scope. While visualizing the intra-articular structures, they are...

Tolgay Åžatana
What is Epiduroscopy?
Epiduroscopy is the endoscopic visualization of epidural structures. Epiduroscopy, which can be applied under local anesthesia, is among...

Cem Batırbaygil
What is Failed Low Back Surgery Syndrome? How Is It Treated?
Failed Low Back Surgery Syndrome is generally omitted or neglected foraminal strictures. Correct diagnosis, correct surgical indication,...

Tolgay Åžatana
Hallux Valgus Surgery - What is Hallux Valgus?
Before details of Hallux Valgus Surgery, let's briefly answer the question of Hallux Valgus - what is the big toe bone protrusion. What...
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