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Tolgay Şatana
What is Arthroscopy?
Arthroscopy is the visualization of the joint with an optical device scope. While visualizing the intra-articular structures, they are...

Tolgay Şatana
Elbow Arthroscopy
The solution for the treatment-resistant tennis elbow is arthroscopic release and epicondyle debridement. Tennis elbow (lateral...

Tolgay Şatana
I Got A Tennis Elbow Why Hasn't It Was Removed With The Treatment For Months?
I've been tennis elbow!; The lateral epicondyle is the bone protrusion to which the forearm muscles collectively adhere to the tennis...

Tolgay Şatana
Safe Treatment Option in Tennis Elbow Treatment: Elbow Arthroscopy
Tennis elbow, medically known as “lateral epicondylitis”, is seen in people who work in arm strength jobs. The extreme discomfort of the...
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