Before details of Hallux Valgus Surgery, let's briefly answer the question of Hallux Valgus - what is the big toe bone protrusion.
What is Hallux Valgus?
It is the outward curvature of the big toe. However, there are actually three components of the scallop, which include pronation and joint bursitis. It is often accompanied by an inverting of the comb bone (varus).
It should be kept in mind that metatarsus primus varus (MPV) causes hallux valgus along with it. Most of the preventable hallux valgus disorders at a young age are MPV.
The patient complains of deformity, as well as swelling of the thumb joint and the bad appearance of the protrusion. Since the joint axis is distorted, the joint pains increase with movement and the width is restricted as a result of wear over time. A stiff thumb (hallux rigidus) may develop. Thumb extension disappears.
Hallux Valgus Surgery
How is Hallux Valgus Treated?
Night splints, bursitis treatment, and appropriate shoes may be beneficial before the deformity progresses. Surgical treatment should not be delayed in case of malalignment (metatarsus primus varus, disruption of the joint connection).
Medial capsulorrhaphy and lateral release, bursectomy and bunionectomy are applied in soft tissue entrances. Violation of the joint border, which we call the sulcus while removing the bunion, disrupts the joint functions, causing postoperative dissatisfaction and a stiff thumb.
In this respect, bunionectomy is very critical and should not be exaggerated in such a way that it does not exceed filing. In metatarsus primus varus where the alignment is disturbed, or in bone curvatures, corrective osteotomies are made on the metatarsal and phalanx bones to correct angular problems and make the joint compatible.
At Which Stage Is Hallux Valgus Surgery Required?
Surgical treatment should not be delayed in case of malalignment (metatarsus primus varus, disruption of the joint connection). Misalignment should be corrected immediately, joint harmony should be ensured and wear should be prevented.
In cases where there is no malalignment, if orthoses to correct soft tissue do not help and frequent bursitis painful joints occur, surgery is a valid solution.
What Are The Surgery Options - How Is It Done - How Long Does It Take?
It is in the form of soft tissue surgeries and bone surgeries. Soft tissue surgeries; It includes lateral release, medial capsulorrhaphy, and bursectomy. Bone surgeries are osteotomies that correct the alignment.
Osteotomies correct bone axis disorders, provide alignment, and create joint harmony. Soft tissue surgeries are also performed along with it. The operation time may vary between 30-90 minutes.
What is the Recovery Process After the Surgery?
A 3 to 6-week healing period includes the time that special shoes or slippers should be worn.
A plaster cast may be required in bone surgery.
In cases where bone fixation is rigid, it is possible to press early or to give weight to the heel. However, the possibility of not being able to step should be taken into account.
Will It Repeat After Surgery?
Recurrence may occur after soft tissue surgeries. New osteotomy is rarely required in bone surgery.
How Much is the Surgery Fee?
It depends on the type of surgery and the use of materials. Pricing is made according to the hospital class determined according to the patient's budget.