Without denying Einstein's emphasis, "It is not the skeletal system that keeps man alive, but his beliefs and principles", the skeleton (Skeletal System); We can define it as a system consisting of bone-muscle-joint structures that enables us to stand. Skeleton; Derived from the Greek word skeleton - dried, mummified body.
The skeletal system in humans is in the form of "endoskeleton" like most mammals. Some living things, which are invertebrates, contain "exoskeleton - exoskeleton", and when fossilized in this way, they can tell about their appearance in living form centuries later. The skeletal system in vertebrates is like the combination of the skeletons of living things (such as jellyfish, sponges, fish) at different stages of evolution.
The human skeleton consists of 206 bones. The bone structure is interconnected by joints that allow movement, supported by ligaments and muscle structures.
The main skeleton "Spine" is in the bearing position between the skull (cranium) and pelvis (pelvis) and extends to the coccyx. Spine; In addition to the central nervous system extension in the skull and the carrier feature surrounding the spinal cord, it is also a regulator that ensures the distribution of the nerves.
While the surrounding skeleton is connected to the spine by the pelvis below, the more complex ribcage-scapula junction above is connected by a system. The lower peripheral skeleton is related to the muscular and ligament structures in the abdominal region, and the upper peripheral skeleton is related to the rib cage muscles.
The main skeletal bones are composed of immobile-semi-mobile joint structures and bones connected to each other. These bones are in flat structures, rich in bone marrow, cell production storage, and contain stem cells.
The surrounding skeletal system consists of long bones that are connected to each other by movable joints. The surrounding skeletal joints are complex structures supported by ligaments, meniscal structures, and cartilage. As the joints that provide the movement of the body go to the ends, they get smaller, contain more bones and become more complex; It is specialized as the hand on the upper side and the foot on the lower side.
Hand and foot are specialized organs of the main skeleton in the last parts of the skeleton. Today, hand and foot mechanics have not been resolved and their details are little known.
Long bones, like the flat bones in the main skeleton, have cell store bone marrow. All bones are a storehouse of calcium, phosphate and some minerals they contain. Bone is a living tissue and acts as an active organ in which the calcium-phosphate level of the body is controlled as well as its carrier feature. In this respect, a healthy body must have a healthy skeletal structure.
The cartilage tissue with which the bones are in close relationship consists of cells covering the joint surfaces. It should be remembered that these cells come from the same origin as bone cells before they become specialized in cartilage tissue, and they are structures that can turn into both cells during injury-repair. The boiling tissue that occurs when the bone is broken has a similar character to cartilage and can turn into bone (abundant oxygen, pushing force) or cartilage (less oxygen-pulling force) tissue under different conditions.
As a result, the skeletal system is a large tissue, even an organ, actively participating in body metabolism, as well as the connective tissue feature, which is a carrier.