Epiduroscopy is the endoscopic visualization of epidural structures. Epiduroscopy, which can be applied under local anesthesia, is among the interventional surgical methods. Prophylactic antibiotics should be administered in sterile operating room conditions.
Epiduroscopy provides imaging of the spinal canal area with a thin camera that can move in all directions.
The patient should be placed face down in the frog position. Under fluoroscopy, using an 18-g needle, the needle is directed vertically and the guide wire is advanced. The surgical procedure should be decided while proceeding in the canal.
Epiduroscopy is for diagnostic purposes and is applied to find the source of pain of unknown origin. Thanks to the epiduroscopy method, medication can be applied to the desired area of the spinal cord when necessary. (Hyalurinidase collagenase preoperative epidural catheter is applied)

In which situations is the epiduroscopy method applied?
Back pain due to surgery
Low back pain that does not respond to conservative treatments
Axial back pain accompanying root pain
Spinal canal stenosis
Neck hernia accompanying radiculopathy
Erpidural adhesions
Epidural Fibrosis (after invasive procedures)
Except those; Epiduroscopic discectomy, mass excisions or biopsy purposes can be applied.