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Wrist Triangular Complex Problems and Arthroscopic Treatment

Tolgay Şatana

Before giving information about wrist triangular complex problems and arthroscopic treatment, let's briefly talk about the wrist.

Our wrist consists of a complex structure connected to each other like eight beads to which the two bones of the forearm (Radius and Ulna) are articulated. This extremely flexible structure, which enables us to resist various strains in daily life, completes the functions of our hands by moving in almost all directions.

I compare the architecture of the forearm bones to the sticks used in Far Eastern dishes. While the ulna hinge acts as a joint in the elbow, a radius in the wrist functions similarly. While the radius in the elbow rotates around itself like a shaft, it makes the same situation as ulna on the wrist, they literally cross each other. In this way, they give our hands a unique function that can perform the movements we use in daily life, such as turning keys, screwing, and opening the door handle. As it turns out, in reality the elbow and wrist joints complement each other in this way, but unfortunately they also share their questions.

For example, if we have suffered an elbow joint fracture, the key turning function of our wrist is likely to be impaired. Similarly, an injury that causes shortness of the wrist may cause early calcification by causing strain in the elbow joint. This is why, in recent years, the importance of anatomical correction (near-real correction) in wrist fractures, before shortness can be accepted. If shortness occurs, the little finger side of the wrist (Ulna) faces more strains than anticipated in the load distribution. This situation will cause the really complex bone-joint-ligament structure, which we call the Triangular Complex (TAC), to be susceptible to injury. Check out the figures to see this brief briefing.

The TAK structure on the wrist allows the ulna, which is shorter than the radius, to join the joint, supports the wrist bones, enables rotational movements. TAK is at risk in wrist sprains. In addition to bone injury, TAK injury is very common in fractures. It can be directly injured, torn or indirectly squeezed between the ulna-wrist bones approaching the joint due to the shortening of the radius bone (abutment syndrome).

Arthroscopic Treatment

In Arthroscopic Treatment, we can simply divide TAC injuries into rupture and compression.

TAC ruptures can be divided into simple wrist looseness-dislocation (instability) and those that do not.

Wrist tightness or abutment disease manifests itself with the limitation of joint motion in which pain is at the forefront.

We can observe these gates with arthroscopic joint surgery. This procedure can be performed by using a special sling device with the help of a scope with a diameter of about 1.2 mm and only numbing the arm. In the absence of arthroscopy, we opened the joint for treatment and often could not benefit our patients at the macro level. Today, using HD optical cameras and advanced equipment, we can correct the dislocations with extremely practical repair methods, and we can remove the jams with the micromotor, laser and radiofrequency devices we operate inside.

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