Innovative Surgical Treatments
Modern surgical methods are increasingly replacing invasive classical methods. Not only do the surgical incisions get smaller, it is essential that the treatment does not cause more harm than the disease. We use cameras, navigation devices, even robot-assisted surgeries that use natural corridors and spaces whenever possible.

Arthroscopy is the visualization of the joint with an optical device scope. While imaging the intra-articular structures, they are examined and radiologically unrecognizable cartilage problems, tears of intra-articular structures can be revealed. For example, while the peripheral detachment of the meniscus may be missed during MRI, it can be diagnosed by arthroscopy.

Arthroplasty, also called joint replacement, is surgery to replace a damaged joint with an artificial joint (made of metal, ceramic, or plastic). Providers usually replace the entire joint (total joint replacement). Less often, they replace only the damaged part of the joint. Hips, knees, and shoulders are the most common joints they replace.

In general, the goal of minimally invasive spine (MIS) surgery is to stabilize the vertebral bones and spinal joints and/or reduce pressure on spinal nerves. Unlike open spine surgery, minimally invasive surgical approaches may be faster, safer, and require less recovery time.

Interventional orthopedics is a new medical specialty that uses the unlimited potential of platelets and stem cells injected under X-ray or ultrasound guidance to improve common orthopedic conditions. Recognizes a thorough understanding of anatomy, biomechanics, and approaches to successfully inserting a needle under the guidance of a particular structure.

Robotic arm assisted orthopedic surgery is mostly used for total knee replacements and total hip replacements.
There are several different types of robotic arms used for orthopedic surgery. The robotic arm provides tactile, visual and auditory feedback to help the surgeon achieve the desired orientation, which can increase stability and mobility.