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12. MISS Zirvesi 2019

Tolgay Şatana

Tarih: 23-24 Ağustos 2019 Mekan: Aichi, Japonya - Aichi Spine Hospital Web Sitesi: Etkinlik Programı

Başkan Fujio Ito (Genel Müdür - Aichi Spine Hospital)

Türkiye Daimi Üyeleri Tarik Yazar University of Ankara,Faculty of Medicine Orthopaedic and Traumatology, Turkey

Murat Erguven StateHospital Orthopaedi Department SpineSection, Japan

Ayhan Comert Ankara University Faculty of Medicine

Tolgay Satana Avrupa Safak Hospital Istanbul and International Hospital, Turkey

Sekreterya Aichi Spine Institute

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